Expert 3

On this day one of thing that caught my attention and makes me wonder is the Creation of Innovative Learning Environment and how the Innovative Learning Environment of the Oulun Vocational School could be improved. I would start by saying there are three (3) significant things that we dealt with and these are the Environment, Student and the Teacher. They are very important in the creation of an Innovative Learning Environment.


Looking at the environment is a crucial thing because the teacher needs to know the type of environment and the type of situation. In my case the question that keeps ponding in my mind is what type of environment will lead to innovation and creativity? This question leads to my definition of the environment. Environment in my own words could be defined as a WORKSPACE created out of curiosity for the purpose of comfort, flexibility, humor and technological support. Therefore, sticking by this definition I conclude that it the environment should be workspace where once a student enters the space speak for itself the type of learning that would be occurring there.


According to Wikipedia a student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In this case students benefit from the workspace as learner and also the environment give the opportunity to student to be creative due to the type of environment they find themselves in.


According to Wikipedia a teacher is a person who provides e education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of a teacher is to provide the instruction for literacy and also scaffold learners in areas of difficulty.

Hence, looking at this issue through the lens of LET studies I would say this has given me opportunity know How, Where, When and What to do in creating a Innovative Learning Environment and also allow me do more research in this area understand the basis of this and what should be involved in creating this environment.

Another interesting thing is that LET Programme made overwhelming emphasis on the SRL and CSCL which in the nutshell much to do with creation of an Innovative Learning Environment. It shows that all these learning theories are something needed for the creation of an Innovative Learning Environment. Furthermore, in LET study I have learnt so far the following:

  1. being a self-regulated learner
  2. having the ability to collaborate with my peers in a more meaningful way
  3. has given me confidence in the area of expertise issue i.e. the ability to show ones level of expertise in this area when issue comes up.
  4. Master how to design a TEL for schools.
  5. Improve me in critical thinking.
  6. Learn to use different types of technological tools likewise.

The above mention things are some of what I have learnt in the LET study.

I have always considered lecturing and this study has given me variety of opportunity in that the very first thing I need to consider is to make sure that before I can teach students I must take into cognizance three (3) thing which I have mentioned at the beginning of this writing which are the Environment, Student and Myself. What are the things that should be in the environment for effective innovative and creative learning to occur?, what is my target group? Are they adults, children, teen’s e.t.c., what are things that would make the student learn?

Finally, I would say this day has provided with a critical look at the environment and how it should be designed to foster Innovative Learning Environment

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